Your Stewardship-Giving in these times
Please donate by clicking: here
My friends, we are blessed to have you all supporting our congregation in so many ways. At the end of the day many bills still need to be paid. We are reliant on your overall pledges and general financial giving to our parish to make those payments. If you are reading this eNews and are not a regular contributor and if you have the means this would be the time to make a donation to St Thomas’ Episcopal Church.
Please donate by clicking: here
My friends, we are blessed to have you all supporting our congregation in so many ways. At the end of the day many bills still need to be paid. We are reliant on your overall pledges and general financial giving to our parish to make those payments. If you are reading this eNews and are not a regular contributor and if you have the means this would be the time to make a donation to St Thomas’ Episcopal Church.